Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Project List

Presenting 552 projects

  1. IMVU “Avatar” SEO Keyword Focused Landing Page Design

    IMVU “Avatar” SEO Keyword Focused Landing Page Design

    Project Description:Here's one of six pages created to capture natural SEO search traffic for specific terms. Checking on the url after a few years I noticed the design is still used and has only received minor updates. :)

  2. IMVU “Avatar” Movie Theme Campaign

    IMVU “Avatar” Movie Theme Campaign

    Project Description:After going through several alternate looks for the avatar – including different poses, clothing, and background environments – we settled on going with this direction and tested a few different headline and button text combinations. Based on the direction landing page tests were also done and eventually the IMVU homepage included the design in the main image rotation.

  3. IMVU Wireframed Landing Page Layout Alternatives

    IMVU Wireframed Landing Page Layout Alternatives

    Project Description:These are some “quickie” layouts I put together to present as an initial starting point for discussions of what's needed. It helps to have something visual to kick-start the process of gathering peoples preferences (or dislikes to throw darts at). Layouts are usually based on my past experiences with similar campaigns, doing some competitive analysis, applying recent design trends, and browsing through screenshots I’ve collected over the years that might offer additional ideas we can leverage.

  4. IMVU Valentines Theme Landing Page Design

    IMVU Valentines Theme Landing Page Design

    Project Description:A timely design for Valentines day. After mocking up a few directions we settled on two versions to test.

  5. IMVU Landing Page Based On Site Tuners Design

    IMVU Landing Page Based On Site Tuners Design

    Project Description:The original landing page design was received from SiteTuners a couple weeks after a conference call and some minor back and forth discussions. General page design was based on successes previously seen when specifically sending Facebook traffic to game site signups, such as Farmville. Eventually I created the newer redesigned version which was more closely aligned with the IMVU visual language and a dedicated front-end developer optimized my initial prototype code and was able to produce even better conversion.

  6. IMVU Incentive Campaigns

    IMVU Incentive Campaigns

    Project Description:These are few examples of “virtual goods” incentive campaigns. Wording was structured as “Free [insert productname]”, “Free 3D [insert productname]”, “Get A Free [insert productname]”, “Give A Free [insert productname]”. Associated landing pages echoed the offers and imagery used in the ads to provide confidence customers would get their free virtual product after registering.

  7. IMVU Homepage Main Image Variation Mockups

    IMVU Homepage Main Image Variation Mockups

    Project Description:IMVU had amazing designers (some might say “illustration artists”) working in-house and occasionally I'd grab art from them to format and present for potential use on the homepage. Other times I’d assemble collages using art from various sources to represent ideas from internal marketing, management, and dev folks to consider using on the homepage. We would then test - such as wether showing an individual avatar posing closeup or showing couples in activity scenes generated more clicks. Eventually there were probably another dozen or more “hero” images I worked on while involved. This work was really inspiring design wise. Just looking at some of the original avatar compositions and background art other designers came up with plus being able to collaborate with them on compositions - really really cool stuff!

  8. IMVU Homepage Design

    IMVU Homepage Design

    Project Description:Original look and design was created by someone else and occasionally we would do multivariate tests with alternate layouts and page elements. I would gather details about what we wanted to test and assemble content to create mockups and prototypes, such as these shorter or longer versions.

  9. IMVU Geo-targeted U.S Cityscape Banner Ads

    IMVU Geo-targeted U.S Cityscape Banner Ads

    Project Description:Developed as a test to appeal to audiences in specific U.S. cities. Makes a real-world connection while promoting virtual world benefits.

  10. IMVU General Avatars Banner Ads

    IMVU General Avatars Banner Ads

    Project Description:Most of the art in this project came from other IMVU designers or I appropriated after digging through internal servers. These test banners were created to see if viewers were particularly attracted to certain avatars more than others. I also intentionally avoided making them overly sexy (such as by avoiding showing overly exposed cleavage or a guy grabbing a girls butt) to better understand if customers were actually attracted by the virtual characters and environments or just the potential of having virtual sex with strangers. The logo is also faded back so it's less prominent and the avatars stand out (or “pop”) more.

  11. IMVU Email Campaigns for Affiliates

    IMVU Email Campaigns for Affiliates

  12. IMVU Chat Roulette Theme Landing Page

    IMVU Chat Roulette Theme Landing Page

    Project Description:Based on another designers idea for a chat roulette page design I created a landing page which allowed viewers to click through a slideshow of various avatars.

  13. IMVU Banner Ads for MyYearbook “Free Lunch Money” Campaign

    IMVU Banner Ads for MyYearbook “Free Lunch Money” Campaign

    Project Description:Two banner ad directions created for specific placement using custom sizes 245x87, 393x100, 588x60, 866x318.

  14. Illumination Media Production Studio Logo

    Illumination Media Production Studio Logo

    Project Description:Created as a favor for a friend of my boss at the time who was pitching a religious movie concept to Clint Eastwood and needed something created (with no budget) to make it appear as though she had a real production company. After sending her a few quickie directions to consider this is the final version settled on if I remember right.

  15. HPShopping.com Website Optimization and Scalability Presentation

    HPShopping.com Website Optimization and Scalability Presentation

    Project Description:Around 2005 as web standards emerged and CSS was becoming the standard for creating and styling web page layouts, I championed the cause within HP in my department. Designers who started in print design were already familiar with using stylesheets and aware of their benefits from using programs such as Quark Express and Adobe PageMaker (similar to Adobe InDesign) when creating brochures, newsletters, catalogs, and magazines, or other types of publication designs. Business stakeholders, managers, and developers were generally less familiar with the concept of stylesheets though and this presentation aimed at informing and educating on the benefits of switching from HTML table based layouts to using CSS (or CSS-P) for positioning elements on web pages. It highlights specific benefits to the user experience (UX) (or customer experience (CX) in this case), benefits to how the brand would be perceived, plus how designers and developers workflow could be organized and optimized to reduce time spent on projects.

  16. HPShopping.com Warehouse Sale Campaign

    HPShopping.com Warehouse Sale Campaign

  17. HPShopping.com Visual Design Coordination Between YOU Campaign and Store Website Homepage

    HPShopping.com Visual Design Coordination Between YOU Campaign and Store Website Homepage

  18. HPShopping.com Visual Design Coordination Between Sunday FSI Inserts and Store Website Landing Page

    HPShopping.com Visual Design Coordination Between Sunday FSI Inserts and Store Website Landing Page

  19. HPShopping.com Visual Design Coordination Between Summer Print Catalog and Store Website Homepage

    HPShopping.com Visual Design Coordination Between Summer Print Catalog and Store Website Homepage

  20. HPShopping.com Various Onsite Product Promotion Graphics

    HPShopping.com Various Onsite Product Promotion Graphics

  21. HPShopping.com Telephone Order Management Interface (TOMI) Call Center Interface

    HPShopping.com Telephone Order Management Interface (TOMI) Call Center Interface

    Project Description:Created as part of HPShopping’s Customer Contact Management Tool, TOMI was used by telephone operators when customers called in to place or change orders. The portal provided a central area where associates can find current promotions, see featured products to promote, along with managing customer order information. This was a quick design refresh to make the interface friendlier and more usable. Because of budget and time restraints, some screens, such as the New Customer form, were not fully designed but were at least coded with semantic HTML elements. You should have seen what at looked like back in 2004 before this refresh.

  22. HPShopping.com Static Banner Ads – 18 Examples

    HPShopping.com Static Banner Ads – 18 Examples

    Project Description:Examples of promotional banners shown throughout the year on HPshopping.com.

  23. HPShopping.com Search Results Alternate Layout Mockups

    HPShopping.com Search Results Alternate Layout Mockups

  24. HPShopping.com Product Detail Page Design

    HPShopping.com Product Detail Page Design

Presenting 552 projects