Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Project List

Presenting 552 projects

  1. Zuberance “Your Best Customers Want To Tell The World About You” Banner Ads

    Zuberance “Your Best Customers Want To Tell The World About You” Banner Ads

  2. Zuberance “Turn Loyal Customers Into A Volunteer Sales Force” Banner Ads

    Zuberance “Turn Loyal Customers Into A Volunteer Sales Force” Banner Ads

  3. Zuberance “Supercharge Word of Mouth” Banner Ads

    Zuberance “Supercharge Word of Mouth” Banner Ads

  4. Zuberance White Paper Campaign for Travel Industry

    Zuberance White Paper Campaign for Travel Industry

  5. Zuberance White Paper Campaign for Auto Industry

    Zuberance White Paper Campaign for Auto Industry

  6. Zuberance Website Updates

    Zuberance Website Updates

    Project Description:Occasionally I would redesign sections of the website, create new graphics and pages, and update content.

  7. Zuberance Webinar Announcement Email Template Design

    Zuberance Webinar Announcement Email Template Design

  8. Zuberance Symantec Norton Brand Advocates Email

    Zuberance Symantec Norton Brand Advocates Email

  9. Zuberance Groundswell Book Campaign

    Zuberance Groundswell Book Campaign

  10. Zuberance Customer Feedback Request Email Template

    Zuberance Customer Feedback Request Email Template

    Project Description:Email template created for businesses to use when requesting customer feedback and help identify brand advocates

  11. Zoned Font

    Zoned Font

  12. Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com “State Based” Geo Targeted Home Mortgage Banner Ads

    Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com “State Based” Geo Targeted Home Mortgage Banner Ads

  13. Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com “Nice” Less Aggressive Home Refi Banner Ads

    Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com “Nice” Less Aggressive Home Refi Banner Ads

  14. Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com Targeted Banner Ad Examples

    Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com Targeted Banner Ad Examples

    Project Description:These are some of the banners displayed to specific audiences based on which page they're viewing on Yahoo! or where they are located geographically in the U.S.

  15. Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com Showy “Attention Grabber” Animated Banner Ads

    Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com Showy “Attention Grabber” Animated Banner Ads

    Project Description:Goal of these banner ads is to grab attention then make a compelling offer, such as “Homeowners Save 50%”. These directions use more aggressive animations – such as people moving, dancing, warn and fuzzy characters, and alerts – to grab attention. Sometimes cheesy stuff works better than you would expect.

  16. Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com Landing Page “Loan Configurator” Concept Mockup

    Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com Landing Page “Loan Configurator” Concept Mockup

    Project Description:Concept I had based on a Flash interface I had seen where users could filter products on the fly using sliders and other widgets to control various product selection criteria, such as cost and ratings. Psychologically giving customers the illusion they are in control can help make them feel more comfortable when making a purchase decision, when really the business goal is just to make a sell or capture a lead in this case.

  17. Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com Landing Page

    Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com Landing Page

    Project Description:A few of the initial layouts created for testing.

  18. Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com Demographic Based Banner Ads

    Yahoo! WebLoanDeals.com Demographic Based Banner Ads

    Project Description:After working with marketing, product managers, and the bevioural targeting Phds to understand needs/abilities, I created banner ad variations for customer segments based on ethnicity (caucasian, non-caucasian), sex (male, female), age (young adults, middle-age, older adults), with both singles and couples pictured. The bullet point support text I came up with are specifically written towards each target audience also based on a little research I did to get in the heads of each audience – such as mentioning “Pay off credits cards” for younger audiences and “Get money for travel” for the older audiences.

  19. Yahoo! Rich Media Ad Specifications for Instant Messenger “Thank You” Page

    Yahoo! Rich Media Ad Specifications for Instant Messenger “Thank You” Page

  20. Yahoo! Personals AdInterax Banner Ads

    Yahoo! Personals AdInterax Banner Ads

    Project Description:AdInterax built tools to create rich media advertising solutions within the browser that where interactive and could include animations, streaming video, and forms and could slide across the screen over webpage content. As a test using forms within ads I created these personals ads based on already existing photo assets. Variations included showing the form automatically, having the form slide into view, requiring a click to expand the ad to view form.

  21. Yahoo! Mockup Presentation for EDU Vertical Campaigns UX with Form Ads

    Yahoo! Mockup Presentation for EDU Vertical Campaigns UX with Form Ads

    Project Description:Example presentation I put together showing user flow and content organization for three education lead capture campaigns. Presentations like this help me gather ideas and feedback from other stakeholders on project along with making sure we'll meet target objectives.

  22. Yahoo! Messenger Form Ad Mockup for TravelZoo

    Yahoo! Messenger Form Ad Mockup for TravelZoo

  23. Yahoo! Messenger Form Ad Mockup for Netflix

    Yahoo! Messenger Form Ad Mockup for Netflix

  24. Yahoo! Messenger Form Ad Mockup for MyCokeRewards

    Yahoo! Messenger Form Ad Mockup for MyCokeRewards

Presenting 552 projects