Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Roles / Responsive Web Designer

As web sites are accessed from a variety of mobile devices more and more these days, responsive web site design has become a must-have feature. After having worked on a few responsive sites my approach has evolved to initially creating page designs with flexibility in mind from the start. Responsive page layouts usually consist of at least five layout breakpoints based on the most common mobile and desktop browsers and screen widths. Typically these size are for iPhone portrait and landscape modes, iPad portrait and landscape models, plus a desktop layout and perhaps a couple others where content dictates. When resizing a browser window sometimes widow words or odd content alignments can occur which requires some finesse. For example columns of text, a bar chart, or a slideshow might need to be redesigned to work in a vertical layout besides the traditional default horizontal layout. By using best practices when coding CSS for web pages I’m able to bullet-proof layouts while consistently maintaining design integrity on any device.

Presenting 19 role items

Presenting 19 role items