Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Roles / Typographic Designer

Included in this category are a few work samples created either for a client or as a personal experiment in typography design. Typographic design involves the arrangement of letterforms to create more engaging experiences beyond literary communication. Letters can align or merge to form new shapes that emphasize or add meaning to individual words, phrases, or prose. Expressive and stylistic letterforms can provoke an emotive feeling or convey a specific objective meaning either on their own or in combination with other design elements such as the dot, the line, and the pattern. The way letterforms interact between themselves, the viewer, and their environment creates a typographic style that can be used effectively for branding, editorial illustrations, and art. Simple put, typography can say more than words.

Presenting 22 role items

Presenting 22 role items