Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Project List

Presenting 552 projects

  1. MyOfferPal: WebRoot, Spy Sweeper Campaign

    MyOfferPal: WebRoot, Spy Sweeper Campaign

  2. MyJV.com Branding Identity Guidelines

    MyJV.com Branding Identity Guidelines

    Project Description:A brief branding style guide put together to help insure logo and color integrity was maintained. Includes information on the brands color palette, color usage, horizontal logo, and vertical logo details including correct and incorrect usage examples in each section.

  3. MyJV.com Brand Identity

    MyJV.com Brand Identity

    Project Description:MyJV.com introduces people to jointly fund a business enterprise. It enables financial transactions between and among an unlimited number of business partners to enable joint ventures to be executed. My goal for this project was to create a unique and identifiable graphic image along with other imagery that would form the nucleus of most, if not all of myJV.com outbound marketing efforts.

  4. Mood Boards

    Mood Boards

    Project Description:These where created after doing an informational interview gathering initial thoughts on potential needs that would appeal to both the client and their audience. Created as part of the Web Contracts 2012 conference project I keep old mood boards around just in case I ever need them again on another project.

  5. Mobile Gaming Summit (MOGA) “Last Day To Save” Email

    Mobile Gaming Summit (MOGA) “Last Day To Save” Email

  6. Michigan City Paper Box Company Price List

    Michigan City Paper Box Company Price List

    Project Description:Art Director: Mark Drury.

  7. MCA Universal Cartoon Studios VHS Jacket for Exosquad: Into The Heart Of Darkness and The Brood

    MCA Universal Cartoon Studios VHS Jacket for Exosquad: Into The Heart Of Darkness and The Brood

    Project Description:On this project I was primarily responsible for typesetting, finalizing the layout, and creating printer-ready artwork using QuarkXPress. Some illustrations were "for position only" (FPO) and scanned in seperately by the printer. Art Director: Scott MacPhee

  8. MCA Universal Cartoon Studios VHS Jacket for Exosquad: Betrayal and Defying Olympus

    MCA Universal Cartoon Studios VHS Jacket for Exosquad: Betrayal and Defying Olympus

    Project Description:On this project I was primarily responsible for typesetting, finalizing the layout, and creating printer-ready artwork using QuarkXPress. Some illustrations were "for position only" (FPO) and scanned in seperately by the printer. Art Director: Scott MacPhee

  9. MBNA ShopSafe Customer Email

    MBNA ShopSafe Customer Email

  10. Marilyn Frandsen Design, Metrolight Studios “Total Recall” Magazine Ad

    Marilyn Frandsen Design, Metrolight Studios “Total Recall” Magazine Ad

  11. Luminositi Website Design

    Luminositi Website Design

  12. Luminositi SoftCam “The First Virtual Camera for the PC!” Banner Ad

    Luminositi SoftCam “The First Virtual Camera for the PC!” Banner Ad

    Project Description:Is it weird that I show old design examples? Some of it I actually still kinda like, such as this banner direction.

  13. Luminositi Logo

    Luminositi Logo

  14. LucasFilm Promotional Artwork for Indiana Jones

    LucasFilm Promotional Artwork for Indiana Jones

  15. Longevity Line Logo

    Longevity Line Logo

    Project Description:Logo created for a friend of my neighbor in Palo Alto for $150 if I remember right. It was to be used on bottle labels in stores such as Walgreens and on the website. Ultimately, I wish the project had a real budget so I could spend time to redraw the strokes illustrating the dancing figure and the logotype strokes so they matched more while keeping their gestural nature. Perhaps someday when I have some downtime I'll fix'er up.

  16. LeadsCon.com Landing Page Creator

    LeadsCon.com Landing Page Creator

    Project Description:Event organizer needed an easy way to create individual landing pages for several targeted offers geared towards partners, vendors, past attendees, for speaker promotions, trade groups, magazine audiences, and the general public. Each landing page offered special discounts and was only accessible at a special link which potential customers would receive via email campaigns or see in an ad somewhere. By creating templates for the East Coast and West Coast events that could easily be updated on the backend, dozens of landing pages were created by the event manager without needing additional coding or design cycles each time.

  17. LeadsCon Lead Generation Conference 125×125 Animated Gif Ads – Five Versions

    LeadsCon Lead Generation Conference 125×125 Animated Gif Ads – Five Versions

  18. LeadsCon Las Vegas “Last Week To Save” Announcement Email

    LeadsCon Las Vegas “Last Week To Save” Announcement Email

  19. LeadsCon Las Vegas Registration Email Sent To Past Attendees

    LeadsCon Las Vegas Registration Email Sent To Past Attendees

  20. LeadsCon Landing Page Wireframes

    LeadsCon Landing Page Wireframes

  21. LeadConfidential.com Website Design

    LeadConfidential.com Website Design

    Project Description:The initial look for this site design was created based on a crowd-sourced logo I received from the client. The goal was to just get something launched as quick as possible without spending much time on it so the client could start working with the template populating it with content.

  22. Last Of The Warriors VHS Jacket

    Last Of The Warriors VHS Jacket

  23. Kwanzoo Widget Ad Template Guidelines

    Kwanzoo Widget Ad Template Guidelines

  24. Kwanzoo Website Redesign Page Wireframes

    Kwanzoo Website Redesign Page Wireframes

Presenting 552 projects