Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Project List

Presenting 552 projects

  1. BACtrack Pro B90 Marketing Sheet

    BACtrack Pro B90 Marketing Sheet

  2. BACtrack Planogram End Cap Shelf Planner Mockup for OfficeMax

    BACtrack Planogram End Cap Shelf Planner Mockup for OfficeMax

  3. BACtrack PepBoys Newspaper Ad

    BACtrack PepBoys Newspaper Ad

    Project Description:Quick project created for BACtrack and also needed to be approved by PepBoys before running.

  4. BACtrack Mouthpiece Macro Product Photos – 6 Examples

    BACtrack Mouthpiece Macro Product Photos – 6 Examples

    Project Description:Photographing the small mouthpieces used on some breathalyzer models took some macro-photography “field of focus” and Photoshop focus-stack know-how. After learning techniques and investing in some equipment I was able to get just the shot I wanted though and these became useuful on a range of product marketing materials.

  5. BACtrack In-Store Floor Display Design 3D Walkaround

    BACtrack In-Store Floor Display Design 3D Walkaround

    Project Description:Here I’ve created a 3D walk-around to demonstrate form and design for a floor display to provide some sense of what the experience will be.

  6. BACtrack Free Standing Floor Display Standee

    BACtrack Free Standing Floor Display Standee

  7. BACtrack Breathalyzers Website Redesign

    BACtrack Breathalyzers Website Redesign

  8. BACtrack Breathalyzers Technology Logo Designs

    BACtrack Breathalyzers Technology Logo Designs

  9. BACtrack Breathalyzer “In The Press” Information Sheet

    BACtrack Breathalyzer “In The Press” Information Sheet

    Project Description:We had lots of source material documenting media coverage of the companies breathalyzer products. I was responsible for updating the “In The Press” on the web site for example and would create PDFs that could be downloaded of the articles. Getting the actually newspapers with the articles to scan in helped make the reviews seem all the more authentic and trustworthy. Assembling a collage of the prominent news reports and TV shows which the products appeared on created great piece in itself which helped convey how necessary and important the products are.

  10. BACtrack Breathalyzer on MythBusters TV Show: Video Clip Edit for “In The Press” Page

    BACtrack Breathalyzer on MythBusters TV Show: Video Clip Edit for “In The Press” Page

    Project Description:Example of editing a TV show video which my clients product appeared on down to a shorter version which highlights key segments featuring the product for use on a company press page. Basic fade-in, fade-out, and trim edits are all that’s usually needed.

  11. BACtrack Breathalyzer on MSNBC Today Show: Video Clip Edit for “In The Press” Page

    BACtrack Breathalyzer on MSNBC Today Show: Video Clip Edit for “In The Press” Page

    Project Description:Example of editing a TV show video which my clients product appeared on down to a shorter version which highlights key segments featuring the product for use on a company press page. Basic fade-in, fade-out, and trim edits are all that’s usually needed.

  12. BACtrack Breathalyzer on Dr. Phil TV Show: Video Clip Edit for “In The Press” Page

    BACtrack Breathalyzer on Dr. Phil TV Show: Video Clip Edit for “In The Press” Page

    Project Description:Example of editing a TV show video which my client would appear on down to a short version which highlights key segments featuring the clients product for use on a company press page. Basic fade-in, fade-out, and trim edits are all that’s usually needed.

  13. BACtrack Breathalyzer Mouthpiece Marketing Sheet for Retailers

    BACtrack Breathalyzer Mouthpiece Marketing Sheet for Retailers

  14. BACtrack Breathalyzer Mouthpiece 3D Model

    BACtrack Breathalyzer Mouthpiece 3D Model

    Project Description:Photographing the small mouthpieces used on some breathalyzer models took some macro-photography “field of focus” and Photoshop focus-stack know-how. As an alternative I created a few 3D models of the mouthpieces which could be more easily angled before rendering and looked a little more high-tech or slicker than the actual plastic versions.

  15. BACtrack Breathalyzer Media Disk Mockup

    BACtrack Breathalyzer Media Disk Mockup

    Project Description:The media disk could be mailed to journalists at magazines and other media outlets as part of a “media kit” to provide product marketing sheets, company information, high-resolution imagery, and other assets. We also created an area on the website where media and affiliates can download assets whenever needed to help promote each of the breathalyzer products

  16. BACtrack Breathalyzer Header Logo Animation

    BACtrack Breathalyzer Header Logo Animation

    Project Description:A simple animation aiming to help viewers understand were the letters BAC are derived from in the brand name BACtrack.

  17. BACtrack B70 White Retail Box Packaging Design

    BACtrack B70 White Retail Box Packaging Design

  18. BACtrack B70 Shipper Tray Marketing Sheet for Retailers

    BACtrack B70 Shipper Tray Marketing Sheet for Retailers

  19. BACtrack B70 Shipper Tray Design

    BACtrack B70 Shipper Tray Design

  20. BACtrack B70 Retail Box Packaging Design

    BACtrack B70 Retail Box Packaging Design

  21. BACtrack B70 Quick Start Guide

    BACtrack B70 Quick Start Guide

  22. BACtrack B70 Product Photos – 9 Examples

    BACtrack B70 Product Photos – 9 Examples

  23. BACtrack B70 Product and Lifestyle Photoshoot – 26 Examples

    BACtrack B70 Product and Lifestyle Photoshoot – 26 Examples

    Project Description:As Art Director on this project I made recommendations for selecting the photographer, models, and shooting locations. Direction included letting the photographer know the type of lighting we wanted to try (based on his previous work), clothing options for the models to bring (flat colors with minimal patterns that don’t look busy), position of the models based on various scenarios (such as facing the camera, other models, or towards the product), and angles for shooting long shots with less background cropping along and closeups with products held close. Having a budget and being able to work with a pro photographer helped a lot. We were able to achieve the visual style we were going for in addition to just getting lots of shots at different angles and situations to work with. By giving the photographer room to also direct models and get creative within the scenarios as the shoot progressed we were able to create additional unplanned image assets that otherwise could not have been imagined beforehand. Wonderfully rewarding collaboration I'd say! Some photos I also later retouched by adding digital readouts on the screens, glows, removing backgrounds, dodging and burning areas, spot removals and so on which can take some time. This collection shows a few pre-retouching and a few after retouching. By including some time for the photographer and models to improvise and get creative during the shoot, the resulting outcome was definitely improved and better than expected overall. We created a *lot* of valuable images for the client, affiliates, and press to use in promoting the products visually on the website, in ads, on TV, print, and other media.

  24. BACtrack B70 Owners Manual Instruction Booklet

    BACtrack B70 Owners Manual Instruction Booklet

Presenting 552 projects