Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Roles / UX/CX Designer

As a User Experience Designer (a.k.a. Customer Experience Designer) I work towards creating satisfying experiences for users and marketing effectiveness for businesses. By understanding both business goals and user needs Iā€™m able to find ways to bring the two together in various ways, then figure out whatā€™s working best. Sometimes also referred to as a UXD or UED role, the tasks I perform might include (but not always):

  • Establishing strategic goals
  • Creating content maps
  • Analyzing competitors
  • Creating user personas
  • Producing storyboards
  • Information architecture
  • Taxonomy development
  • Wire-framing subject areas and pages
  • Laying out low-fidelity mockups
  • Presenting design concepts
  • Doing user research
  • Developing prototypes
  • Coordinating with developers
  • Conducting A/B tests
  • Tracking goals and successes
  • Communicating results
  • Monitoring and maintenance

Presenting 165 role items

Presenting 165 role items