Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / ApartmentSearch.com Search Flow UX Design

Step 3: Property Detail Wireframe

Apartment Search Property Detail Wireframe


Media Type




Project Description

Alternate search user experiences wireframed and presented after doing initial design research and competitive analysis. Wireframes show search interfaces which allow users to locate properties they might be interested in by manually entering search keywords, clicking categories, selecting their solution (persona) type, rating importance of features, and other methods. Criteria could also be expanded or minimized depending on how detailed users wanted to get when selecting their needs. Screenshots and walkthroughs of competition were presented to make sure we were providing a familiar, expected, common search interface pattern yet also improving the experience for users.

Samples In This Project

  1. Step 1: Search Interface Options
  2. Step 2: Search Results Listing Wireframe with Competitive Analysis Screengrabs
  3. You
    Step 3: Property Detail Wireframe
  4. Step 4: Search Interface With Expanded Options