Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / IMVU Wireframed Landing Page Layout Alternatives

“Start Your Free Trial” v5

example wireframe image



Company Description

IMVU is an online virtual world (or “metaverse”, similar to Second Life or The Sims) where members use 3D avatars to meet new people, chat, create, and play games. Founded in 2004, they have the largest 3D-based user-generated virtual goods catalog consisting of more than 30 million items. They’re also known as one of the leading practitioners of the lean startup approach.


Media Type




Project Description

These are some “quickie” layouts I put together to present as an initial starting point for discussions of what's needed. It helps to have something visual to kick-start the process of gathering peoples preferences (or dislikes to throw darts at). Layouts are usually based on my past experiences with similar campaigns, doing some competitive analysis, applying recent design trends, and browsing through screenshots I’ve collected over the years that might offer additional ideas we can leverage.

Samples In This Project

  1. “Start Your Free Trial” v1
  2. “Start Your Free Trial” v2
  3. “Start Your Free Trial” v3
  4. “Start Your Free Trial” v4
  5. You
    “Start Your Free Trial” v5
  6. “Start Your Free Trial” v6
  7. “Start Your Free Trial” v7
  8. “Start Your Free Trial” v8
  9. “Start Your Free Trial” v9
  10. “Start Your Free Trial” v10
  11. “Start Your Free Trial” v11
  12. “Start Your Free Trial” v12