Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Project List

Presenting 552 projects

  1. Breathalyzer.net Email Newsletter Template Design

    Breathalyzer.net Email Newsletter Template Design

  2. Breathalyzer.net Website Design

    Breathalyzer.net Website Design

  3. Breathalyzer.net “Are You Intoxicated?” HTML Email Design

    Breathalyzer.net “Are You Intoxicated?” HTML Email Design

  4. BreathalyzerSuperstore.com Affiliate Website Design

    BreathalyzerSuperstore.com Affiliate Website Design

  5. Briefing.com “Briefing In Plan” Landing Page Design

    Briefing.com “Briefing In Plan” Landing Page Design

    Project Description:Created “dayparting” designs. Shorter version for daytime audience and longer version with more prose for evening/nighttime audience.

  6. Brillian PayInSight™ “Pay At The Table” Brochure

    Brillian PayInSight™ “Pay At The Table” Brochure

  7. Brillian PayInSight™ “Pay At The Table” Leaflet for Dining Customers

    Brillian PayInSight™ “Pay At The Table” Leaflet for Dining Customers

  8. Brillian Postcard Mailers

    Brillian Postcard Mailers

    Project Description:Brillian Postcard Mailers for PayInSight, PCI Compliance, and Wireless Payment Processing

  9. BusinesSuites Landing Page Redesign

    BusinesSuites Landing Page Redesign

  10. BusinesSuites Landing Page Redesign SEO/PPC Traffic Flow Diagram

    BusinesSuites Landing Page Redesign SEO/PPC Traffic Flow Diagram

  11. BusinesSuites New Office Opening Email Design

    BusinesSuites New Office Opening Email Design

  12. BusinesSuites Office Services Landing Pages

    BusinesSuites Office Services Landing Pages

  13. BusinesSuites Prospective Client Email

    BusinesSuites Prospective Client Email

  14. BusinesSuites Prospective Client Printed Flyer Handout

    BusinesSuites Prospective Client Printed Flyer Handout

  15. BusinesSuites Website Redesign

    BusinesSuites Website Redesign

  16. BusinesSuites Website Redesign Alternate Photo Gallery Layout and Interaction Studies

    BusinesSuites Website Redesign Alternate Photo Gallery Layout and Interaction Studies

    Project Description:Explorations analyzing 15 photo gallery layout and interaction possibilities. These initial directions were created to gauge scalability (number of photos) that could be easily presented using a small screen real estate footprint yet also keep the photo thumbnails large enough to be compelling and easy to navigate. A couple directions where then selected to present and gather feedback on from the client and learn of any exceptions they might have or additional needs before creating an interactive prototype for potential integration into the site.

  17. BusinesSuites Website Redesign Subpage Wireframes

    BusinesSuites Website Redesign Subpage Wireframes

    Project Description:As part of the overall site redesign, I created wireframes for the individual property pages along with region and market pages. After client reviews and a couple rounds of changes to the page layouts and content organization directions were narrowed down before I began work on the visual design. Eventually I created prototypes to test the look and feel and gather feedback on before make the site redesign live.

  18. CalArts MFA II Dance Concert Poster

    CalArts MFA II Dance Concert Poster

  19. CalArts Sticker Postcard

    CalArts Sticker Postcard

  20. CalArts Typographic Illustration

    CalArts Typographic Illustration

  21. CalFinder Email Template Design

    CalFinder Email Template Design

    Project Description:After presenting four initial designs we settled on moving forward with this direction. The headline text, image on the left, button links, and supporting text could be updated (along with the email subject line) to match specific target audiences based on their potential needs such as window replacement, home remodeling, painting, roofing, siding, deck building, landscaping, and others. Images from the banner ads and landing pages were reused in the emails for branding consistency and to optimize production workflow.

  22. CalFinder Home Remodeling “Before and After” Banner Ads

    CalFinder Home Remodeling “Before and After” Banner Ads

  23. CalFinder House Remodeling “Top Local Contractors” Landing Page

    CalFinder House Remodeling “Top Local Contractors” Landing Page

    Project Description:Three alternate images presented for the client to consider testing and see which resonates more with the target audience.

  24. CalFinder One-Step Signup Landing Page Design

    CalFinder One-Step Signup Landing Page Design

Presenting 552 projects