Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Project List

Presenting 552 projects

  1. FontsFontsFonts.com Logo

    FontsFontsFonts.com Logo

  2. FreeCreditReport.com Credit Report Quiz Banner Ad Variations

    FreeCreditReport.com Credit Report Quiz Banner Ad Variations

    Project Description:The Kwanzoo quiz widget ad serves 5 questions on a topic within the ad then presents personalized results with a button linking to the advertisers website. For this banner ad test I wanted grab potential customers attention using the closeup photos of peoples faces looking directly at you. Once the banners captured users attention a compelling offer was needed to spark interest in taking the quiz, so we created at least three headline text variations to testing which was the most clicked on. After potential customers take the short quiz they are then presented one of three personalized results and the free credit report offer.

  3. FreeGiftWorld Landing Page Templates

    FreeGiftWorld Landing Page Templates

    Project Description:In addition to creating templates for Free Gift World (FGW) similar templates were also created for Sample Promotions Group (SPG) and Consumer Opinion Group (COG).

  4. FreelanceWebDesigner.com Logo

    FreelanceWebDesigner.com Logo

    Project Description:Related to the website design, this concept combines French curve shapes (a traditional design element) with an electric spark (signifying the electronic age or futuristic direction) to make it pop, giving the treatment kind of a retro Jetsons feel but still fun and futuristic.

  5. FreelanceWebDesigner.com Website Design

    FreelanceWebDesigner.com Website Design

    Project Description:My old site promoting freelance services. The initial idea was to create a look that was inviting and fun to interact with but also futuristic and indicated a technical savviness, perhaps like an interface you'd see in a the Jetsons TV cartoon. This is the result of that direction which combines French curve shapes (a traditional design element) with an electric spark (signifying the electronic age or futuristic direction) to give the design element some life and make ot ‘pop’.

  6. Fujitsu Lifebook In-Store Demo Presentation

    Fujitsu Lifebook In-Store Demo Presentation

    Project Description:After reviewing the content outline, wireframing the flow, and designing individual screens I created a storyboard to explain the animation needed in written frame-by-frame form. Then I created a basic video slideshow storyboard to demonstrate some of the timing and effects we’re going for so the client and animator has a better understanding of what the final version should look like.

  7. FunFunFun Festival Animated Gif Contest Submission

    FunFunFun Festival Animated Gif Contest Submission

    Project Description:More of an experiment (perhaps/really) this was my contest entry submitted in an effort to get free tickets to the FunFunFun Festival.

  8. FunFunFun Festival T-shirt Contest Submission

    FunFunFun Festival T-shirt Contest Submission

    Project Description:Contest entry I submitted towards winning free tickets to the FunFunFun Festival in Austin.

  9. FYI Living Newsletter Sign-Up Landing Page Design

    FYI Living Newsletter Sign-Up Landing Page Design

    Project Description:FYI Living was looking to improve their newsletter sign-up conversion rates for different subject areas such as fitness, nutrition, depression, pregnancy and others and needed an alternate look to test. After researching similar sites I noticed many where overly marketing oriented and tended to look kinda cheesy. I developed a few directions to avoid the typical look then narrowed down to these four initial designs to gather feedback on and potential test. These try to look more clinical news oriented and reserved in nature. They intentionally don't include photos since visitors sometimes get distracted by photos (especially of people) on landing pages and study them rather than focusing on the informational content being offered. “Clarity trumps persuasion” is a tactic worth testing in my experience, even though the simpler style doesn't necessarily look as punchy as landing page designs which include big colorful photos.

  10. GEICO Auto Insurance Quiz Banner Ad

    GEICO Auto Insurance Quiz Banner Ad

    Project Description:The Kwanzoo quiz widget ad serves 5 questions on a topic within the ad then presents personalized results with a button linking to the advertisers website. For this version I adopted the GEICO gecko lizard image from their website along with other trade dress elements so users could immediately identify the brand and feel confident they were interacting with a reputable business that might offer them special savings.

  11. GoldCash.pro Website Design

    GoldCash.pro Website Design

  12. GrandMutual Debt Elimination Landing Page

    GrandMutual Debt Elimination Landing Page

  13. GrandMutual Financial Services Logo

    GrandMutual Financial Services Logo

  14. GrandMutual Life Insurance Landing Page

    GrandMutual Life Insurance Landing Page

  15. Health Net Newspaper Ads

    Health Net Newspaper Ads

    Project Description:A couple examples of newspaper ads I would layout and produce for managers. Working at Health Net corporate headquarters, we produced the advertising and marketing materials used throughout the United States. Initial design templates where provided by the agency that created the overall brand directions and I maintained the style across different formats for various needs. Here's where I honed my typographic layout skills using Quark Express and became “The Quark Master”.

  16. Health Net Patient Kiosk Design Mockup

    Health Net Patient Kiosk Design Mockup

  17. Health Net Seniority Plus Brochure Design

    Health Net Seniority Plus Brochure Design

  18. Health Net Swag

    Health Net Swag

    Project Description:As the “keeper of the logo”, I was in charge of seeing the right logo was used at the right size in the right position and that someone was keeping an eye on quality of the various items created for promotional use.

  19. Helmet City 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Badge

    Helmet City 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Badge

  20. Helmet City eCommerce Website Design

    Helmet City eCommerce Website Design

  21. HomeRun.com Dynamic Banner Ad Template Design

    HomeRun.com Dynamic Banner Ad Template Design

    Project Description:Created in Flash these dynamic banner ads pulled in campaign offers based on customer location and demographics. The formats needed to be flexible enough to present various amounts of text and images in ways that presented the offers clearly and didn't look awkward. We established content standards, character count limits, and image formats to be used as guidelines.

  22. Hot Creative Business Card

    Hot Creative Business Card

  23. Hot Creative Logo Art

    Hot Creative Logo Art

  24. Hot Creative Promo Card

    Hot Creative Promo Card

Presenting 552 projects