Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Project List

Presenting 552 projects

  1. Cisco WebEx Meetings Plus Summer Campaign

    Cisco WebEx Meetings Plus Summer Campaign

  2. Cisco WebEx Meetings Plus Summer Campaign Prototypes and Mockups Presentation

    Cisco WebEx Meetings Plus Summer Campaign Prototypes and Mockups Presentation

    Project Description:Shows placement of “Meetings Plus $59 Special Package” promo graphic on the homepage, product pages, emails and associated landing pages, emails, and banner ads used to generate new subscribers. This presentation format worked well for capturing feedback in meetings when printed in landscape format since just one section printed per page and left room on the side to write notes about any changes discussed.

  3. Cisco WebEx MeetMeNow Banner Ads

    Cisco WebEx MeetMeNow Banner Ads

    Project Description:A few of the various banners I created based on the brand guidelines for use on the company website.

  4. Cisco WebEx MeetMeNow Co-branded Product Page Design

    Cisco WebEx MeetMeNow Co-branded Product Page Design

  5. Cisco WebEx Modal Dialogs with “Useful Tips” Tutorials

    Cisco WebEx Modal Dialogs with “Useful Tips” Tutorials

    Project Description:These dialogs would appear in MeetMeNow and PCNow web based application portals to assist and educate users. The modals would appear during events such as during the new user on-boarding process, when a new session is initiating, when the free trial is about to expire, when the credit card is about to expire, when there's a browser plugin update available, and after a session has ended. I created the look of the dialogs based on the visual gradient of some other areas in the products then created and stylized the icons indicating info, alert, and timely message topics. The “Useful Tips” area presented a Flash based slideshow I created by assembling screenshots from the products and adding text explanations in the overlayed green speech bubbles which animated in along with indicators pointing to the different subject areas of the users screen, such as where users can create a desktop shortcut.

  6. Cisco WebEx PCNow Banner Ads

    Cisco WebEx PCNow Banner Ads

    Project Description:A few of the various banners I created based on the brand guidelines for use on the company website.

  7. ClubVDO Website Redesign

    ClubVDO Website Redesign

  8. ClubVDO Website Wireframes

    ClubVDO Website Wireframes

  9. CNET GameCenter Ecstatica 2 Article Graphics

    CNET GameCenter Ecstatica 2 Article Graphics

  10. CNET GameCenter Game PCs Article Graphics

    CNET GameCenter Game PCs Article Graphics

  11. CNET GameCenter Online Gaming Spectacular Article Graphics

    CNET GameCenter Online Gaming Spectacular Article Graphics

  12. Commtouch Conference Booth Graphics

    Commtouch Conference Booth Graphics

  13. Community College Library Consortium Logo

    Community College Library Consortium Logo

  14. No image found for this project item.

    Concept Matrix for Generating Ideas

  15. ContractorsBid Microsite

    ContractorsBid Microsite

  16. CUC Shoppers Advantage Best Buys Catalog Online Superstore

    CUC Shoppers Advantage Best Buys Catalog Online Superstore

    Project Description:Developed graphics for main menu and sub-screens. 3 months

  17. Dahbé Cosmetics Logo Mark

    Dahbé Cosmetics Logo Mark

    Project Description:This was a short project for a startup I worked on while in college. Creating the playful gestural illustrations was fun. After creating several of the elements by hand through various analog techniques, I cut them out and pasted-up my favs by hand to create somewhat abstract forms related to beauty, fashion, and cosmetics. Then I shot composites using a stat camera. The stat camera was one of those big cameras that included a long rail, perhaps ten feet, with a swivel mount to place your artwork on and a rotating door leading to a dark room with only a red light and a focus window to view your artwork on before placing a large piece of Agfa or Fuji film for exposure. You could put a magnifying loop on the focus window while cranking a gear about waist heigh to fine tune the distance of your artwork and sharpness (I usually just eyeballed it though). Final presentation was a 24x36 film negative spray-painted metallic gold on the back then mounted on poster board. It looked kinda shiny and slick I thought at the time. Once in the early ’90s I applied for a job at Bijan on Rodeo Drive in L.A. and was called in to interview personally. This is one of the pieces the interviewer walked out of the room with to show to someone I never met before returning and asking to see more. After that I always figured maybe I should save this technique for a potential future project.

  18. Daily Deal Summit “Save The Date” Email

    Daily Deal Summit “Save The Date” Email

  19. Daily Deal Summmit 125×125 Animated Gif Ads – Four Versions

    Daily Deal Summmit 125×125 Animated Gif Ads – Four Versions

    Project Description:These loop forever just for demo purposes. Final version only loops three times.

  20. DailyDealSummit.com Attending Company Logo Collage

    DailyDealSummit.com Attending Company Logo Collage

    Project Description:Graphic created for use in email newsletters, on the website, and print to promote the event and sponsoring companies.

  21. DailyDealSummit.com Website

    DailyDealSummit.com Website

  22. Dan Poynor Design Business Card

    Dan Poynor Design Business Card

  23. Dan Poynor Design Services Self Promotion Postcard

    Dan Poynor Design Services Self Promotion Postcard

  24. DebtRelief.org Landing Page

    DebtRelief.org Landing Page

Presenting 552 projects