Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Project List

Presenting 552 projects

  1. HPShopping.com Printer Series Detail Page Design

    HPShopping.com Printer Series Detail Page Design

  2. HPShopping.com PC Series Matrix Page Design

    HPShopping.com PC Series Matrix Page Design

  3. HPShopping.com PC Configurator

    HPShopping.com PC Configurator

  4. HPShopping.com Integration Showcase Solution Wireframes

    HPShopping.com Integration Showcase Solution Wireframes

    Project Description:Remember html iframes and popup browser windows? These wireframes presented each as an option for the Digital Photography, Mobility, and Home Entertainment product showcases back in 2003. We didn't want to just link to showcase pages for some reason but we did want to keep the standard c-frame persistent.

  5. HPShopping.com Homepage Visitor Scenario Wireframes

    HPShopping.com Homepage Visitor Scenario Wireframes

    Project Description:Wireframes showing content scenarios that would be presented depending if a visitor was new, returning, and signed-in to the ecommerce website. Each scenario wireframe indicates content that we wanted to present along with general layout where the content would appear. This helped engineers understand what database and code development updates would be needed. Eventually scenarios were also created for customers who had previously purchased from the site and recommended products based on their previous purchases along with other user types.

  6. HPShopping.com Gift Guide

    HPShopping.com Gift Guide

  7. HPShopping.com Fathers Day Campaign

    HPShopping.com Fathers Day Campaign

  8. HPShopping.com Fall Theme

    HPShopping.com Fall Theme

  9. HPShopping.com Email Postcard “Be First In Line”

    HPShopping.com Email Postcard “Be First In Line”

  10. HPShopping.com e-Financing Center 2 Offers

    HPShopping.com e-Financing Center 2 Offers

  11. HPShopping.com Digital Photography Solutions Center

    HPShopping.com Digital Photography Solutions Center

  12. HPShopping.com Banner Ad Creative Sets – 4 Themes

    HPShopping.com Banner Ad Creative Sets – 4 Themes

  13. HPShopping.com Back-to-School Shopping Guide

    HPShopping.com Back-to-School Shopping Guide

  14. HPShopping.com Animated Gif Banner Ads – 8 Examples

    HPShopping.com Animated Gif Banner Ads – 8 Examples

    Project Description:Examples of animated promotional banners shown throughout the year on HPshopping.com.

  15. HP Promotional Icons Proposal

    HP Promotional Icons Proposal

    Project Description:A brief proposal created for expanding a brands visual language across interactive and print mediums by leveraging existing assets and making them available in more formats. By using a consistent look customers can more quickly identify promotions across mediums. Using different icon systems for web and print creates a more fragmented, disorganized user experience.

  16. HP Extended Service Plans (ESP) Icon Candidate Proposal

    HP Extended Service Plans (ESP) Icon Candidate Proposal

  17. Hot Creative Promo Card

    Hot Creative Promo Card

  18. Hot Creative Logo Art

    Hot Creative Logo Art

  19. Hot Creative Business Card

    Hot Creative Business Card

  20. HomeRun.com Dynamic Banner Ad Template Design

    HomeRun.com Dynamic Banner Ad Template Design

    Project Description:Created in Flash these dynamic banner ads pulled in campaign offers based on customer location and demographics. The formats needed to be flexible enough to present various amounts of text and images in ways that presented the offers clearly and didn't look awkward. We established content standards, character count limits, and image formats to be used as guidelines.

  21. Helmet City eCommerce Website Design

    Helmet City eCommerce Website Design

  22. Helmet City 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Badge

    Helmet City 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Badge

  23. Health Net Swag

    Health Net Swag

    Project Description:As the “keeper of the logo”, I was in charge of seeing the right logo was used at the right size in the right position and that someone was keeping an eye on quality of the various items created for promotional use.

  24. Health Net Seniority Plus Brochure Design

    Health Net Seniority Plus Brochure Design

Presenting 552 projects