Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Roles / Brand Developer

Brand development includes brand strategy (or positioning) for new start-ups and re-branding for established businesses. As part of developing the strategy I work with clients to learn about customer segments to target, craft personas to base customer experience models and storyboards on, define/refine unique offer messaging for customers, identify competitors and graph competitive landscapes to see how we can differentiate, plus look for both inbound and outbound marketing opportunities to communicate the brands message in every more effective ways. Brand development can include creating the logo design for a company but generally includes everything that surrounds the logo as well such as the look and feel, color palette, font choices, language and naming conventions, interaction, plus other brand imagery such as photo style. Even the way a company answers the phone can be considered part of their brand.