Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Quotes.pro Website Design

California Life Insurance Landing Page Design

Quotes.pro California Life Insurance Landing Page Design Screenshot


Media Type




Project Description

Quotes.pro was all about generating sales leads for the auto, health, home, and life insurance industries. The site consisted of landing pages for the four insurance verticals plug geo-targeted landing pages based on the visitors U.S. state location. Articles and url structure included targeted keywords to help generate natural SEO traffic as well (such as if someone searched Google for "Texas auto insurance") and the geo-targeted landing pages provided relevant high-quality content (500 word crowd sourced articles) for AdWords campaigns with headlines such as "Shop Texas Auto Insurance".

Samples In This Project

  1. Homepage Design
  2. Auto Insurance Landing Page Design
  3. Health Insurance Landing Page Design
  4. Home Insurance Landing Page Design
  5. Life Insurance Landing Page Design
  6. About Us Page Design
  7. Insurance Article Template Design
  8. Site Map Design
  9. Texas Auto Insurance Landing Page Design
  10. Texas Health Insurance Landing Page Design
  11. Texas Home Insurance Landing Page Design
  12. Texas Life Insurance Landing Page Design
  13. California Auto Insurance Landing Page Design
  14. California Health Insurance Landing Page Design
  15. California Home Insurance Landing Page Design
  16. You
    California Life Insurance Landing Page Design
  17. Life Insurance Landing Page Design - Alternate Look 1 (Unused)
  18. Life Insurance Landing Page Design - Alternate Look 2 (Unused)