Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Project List

Presenting 552 projects

  1. JarMedia IntraCleanse Microsite Landing Page

    JarMedia IntraCleanse Microsite Landing Page

  2. JarMedia Reunion.com Jump Page

    JarMedia Reunion.com Jump Page

  3. JarMedia “Easy Google Money” Microsite Landing Page

    JarMedia “Easy Google Money” Microsite Landing Page

  4. KCEA Radio Station Mailer Flyer

    KCEA Radio Station Mailer Flyer

  5. KeyringBreathalyzer.com Microsite Website

    KeyringBreathalyzer.com Microsite Website

  6. KHN Solutions Logo Design

    KHN Solutions Logo Design

  7. KHN Solutions Website Design

    KHN Solutions Website Design

  8. Kick Or Die VHS Jacket

    Kick Or Die VHS Jacket

  9. Kwanzoo Customer Widget Ad Development Experience

    Kwanzoo Customer Widget Ad Development Experience

  10. Kwanzoo Discover Credit Card Quiz Ad Screens

    Kwanzoo Discover Credit Card Quiz Ad Screens

    Project Description:Looking back at these in retrospect I think the button on the first screen looks unfinished (should look more like the button on the final screens perhaps) and I wish the 0% and 5% offers on the final quiz result screens stood out more. These might not have been the final-final screens used though.

  11. Kwanzoo Dynamic Ad Templates

    Kwanzoo Dynamic Ad Templates

    Project Description:I created iframe prototypes based on defined content needs. After testing using actual content I documented the specific image size and character count limits for each content type.

  12. Kwanzoo Dynamic and Quiz Ad Creation Application Interface Results

    Kwanzoo Dynamic and Quiz Ad Creation Application Interface Results

    Project Description:An application developer created the customer area interface used to populate the defined content areas of the ad templates.

  13. Kwanzoo Electronic Arts (EA) Gamer Quiz Ad

    Kwanzoo Electronic Arts (EA) Gamer Quiz Ad

  14. Kwanzoo GameZone Gamer Quiz Ad

    Kwanzoo GameZone Gamer Quiz Ad

  15. Kwanzoo HSBC Life Insurance Quiz Ad

    Kwanzoo HSBC Life Insurance Quiz Ad

  16. Kwanzoo Website Redesign

    Kwanzoo Website Redesign

  17. Kwanzoo Website Redesign Page Wireframes

    Kwanzoo Website Redesign Page Wireframes

  18. Kwanzoo Widget Ad Template Guidelines

    Kwanzoo Widget Ad Template Guidelines

  19. Last Of The Warriors VHS Jacket

    Last Of The Warriors VHS Jacket

  20. LeadConfidential.com Website Design

    LeadConfidential.com Website Design

    Project Description:The initial look for this site design was created based on a crowd-sourced logo I received from the client. The goal was to just get something launched as quick as possible without spending much time on it so the client could start working with the template populating it with content.

  21. LeadsCon Landing Page Wireframes

    LeadsCon Landing Page Wireframes

  22. LeadsCon Las Vegas Registration Email Sent To Past Attendees

    LeadsCon Las Vegas Registration Email Sent To Past Attendees

  23. LeadsCon Las Vegas “Last Week To Save” Announcement Email

    LeadsCon Las Vegas “Last Week To Save” Announcement Email

  24. LeadsCon Lead Generation Conference 125×125 Animated Gif Ads – Five Versions

    LeadsCon Lead Generation Conference 125×125 Animated Gif Ads – Five Versions

Presenting 552 projects