Dan Poynor

Designer / Developer / Director

Current Status: Available for hire! |

(512) 694-2668

Portfolio / Roles / Front-end Developer

Working as a Front-end Developer I use a combination of coding languages to create web pages, perform website maintenance, and integrate enhancements. My goals are to create code that can be used consistently across all browsers and devices that is easy to maintain and preserves branding standards throughout a products interface. Primary front-end coding proficiency includes HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP using HAML, SASS, and jQuery. Currently Iā€™m using CodeKit as my pre-processor on OS X along with MAMP Pro, Git Tower, Sequel Pro, Cyberduck, and BBEdit text editor plus various utilities such as browser developer tools, ImageOptim, and xScope to create pixel perfect layouts. This site takes advantage of CSS features such as Flexbox, Grid, @supports, custom properties, and clip-path and transforms plus some Javascript ES6 features to enhance the user experience in modern browsers while also including fallbacks for older browsers. Iā€™ve yet to dive into using Grunt, Gulp to try and streamline workflow compared to CodeKit, or havenā€™t tried more advanced Javascript techniques such as for SVG animations, but always curious and investigating new technologies on-going.

Presenting 327 role items

Presenting 327 role items